Chris Simpson remembers Paolo Giorgi (on the right), who passed away on March 21, 2022.
Time and tide waits for no man…
No matter what, the old adage still holds true.
In the current debacle across the world with wars and rumours of wars reaching a level beyond belief, it all seems beyond our control.
Paolo Giorgi passed over the great divide but a few days ago. He was a fine acoustic guitar player with the inbred Italian capacity for music and, as it turned out, together with his close friend Gianfranco, more than a nodding acquaintance with the seminal work of one ‘yours truly’ and the life and times of Magna Carta.
‘Two old Friends’ was a huge favourite of both the young men.
When Linda and I performed a series of concerts across Italy, some years ago, I think it was one evening when Paolo invaded the stage and played a sweet accompaniment to, you’ve guessed it, ‘Two old Friends’.
He came over to Liverpoool and turned up at the new site of the Cavern club where I was presented with a ‘brick’ to go in the wall.
Then but a short while ago, Cathy and I arrived in the fabulous Firenze (Florence) and worked all day on a song that became a joint work, ‘ Listen’…
It was a truly heartfelt time.
His beautiful wife Sylvia and he started to put together a ‘best of Magna Carta’ album.
Sadly it was never completed.
He and Silvia had two gorgeous little boys and who knows, with music in their veins, what may happen.
Paolo is a man who was blessed with one of the greatest gifts. Music.
May God bless his soul and shine through the blanket of the dark to the light beyond.
With love… it is all there is.
Chris, March 23, 2022.